music producer / beat maker

国立音楽大学 大学院 修士課程 作曲専攻修了。
2015年にデビューEP『Butter Sugar Cream』、2020年1月に 4年ぶりの配信EP “Unbalance”をリリース。台湾の人気デュオ好樂團 GoodBandのWen Hsu、マレーシア出身のシンガーShelhiel、カナダ人プロデューサーのRyan Hemsworthなど、国内外で多彩なコラボレーションプロジェクトを手掛けてきました。
kiki vivi lily とのコラボ楽曲"License of Love” がApple社のCMに起用され、Spotifyの月間リスナーが10万人を超えるなど、国内外のエレクトロニックミュージックシーンに存在感を示しています。
Born in 1988, Tomggg completed a graduate degree at Kunitachi College of Music with a major in composition studies. His work employs dramatic development and a jingly sound to create music that is buoyant and fun. He has enjoyed long relationships with the music distribution platform SoundCloud and netlabel Maltine Records, releasing "Butter Sugar Cream" and "Art Nature" in, respectively, 2015 and 2016 as both online and physical releases. Tomggg's numerous collaborations with overseas artists include the likes of Ryan Hemsworth and Slow Magic. Active as a producer for singles, remixer for idol songs, and composer for advertisements, his work boldly transcends borders of genre, field, and nation.